Skupino smo ustanovili februarja 2004, njeni zametki pa segajo v devetdeseta, saj nekateri naši člani izhajajo iz stilno in repertoarno podobnih pevskih zasedb Gaudeamus in Perpetuum Jazzile.
K ustanovitvi manjše vokalne zasedbe nas je vodila osnovna ideja o poustvarjanju jazza, swinga, popularne, ljudske, klasične, tako svetovne kot slovenske glasbe, kjer bo pri interpretaciji izpostavljena izraznost vsakega posameznika zasedbe, kot lahko slišimo pri nekaterih svetovno priznanih vokalnih skupinah, po katerih se Jazzy.si zgleduje (The Manhattan Transfer, Swingle Singers, Singers Unlimited, The King Singers, itd.).
V našem pestrem repertoarju so tako priredbe, tudi lastne, vse od Bachovih fug, prek Beatlov, do ponarodelih irskih pesmi. Pri tem nismo pozabili na bogato izročilo slovenskih glasbenih in pesniških mojstrov, kot so Mojmir Sepe, Elza Budau, Gregor Strniša in drugi.
S svojim muziciranjem razvadimo številne obiskovalce kulturnih in zabavnih prireditev predvsem v Ljubljani in njeni okolici. Na evropsko vokalno glasbeno sceno smo se prvič podali junija 2006, ko smo obiskali svetovno srečanje pevskih skupin Europa Cantat v nemškem Mainzu.
We founded the vocal ensemble Jazzy.si in February 2004. However, the seeds of Jazzy.si go back to nineties, when some of our members sang in the groups Gaudeamus and Perpetuum Jazzile, with a similar repertoire and style.
Our music is driven by a desire to perform jazz, swing, popular, traditional and classical tunes – bothe international and Slovenian – and we keep our group small so each singer can add his or her specific vocal expression to the interpretation of a song, following the example of internationally acclaimed vocal ensembles like the Manhattan Transfer, the Swingle Singers, the Singers Unlimited, the King Singers, and others.
Therefore, our repertoire contains a wide variety of arrangements, ranging from Bach fugues through Beatles songs to Irish folk music and beyond. And, of course, we also draw from the rich heritage of Slovenian poets and composers such as Mojmir Sepe, Elza Budau, Gregor Strniša and many more.
Jazzy.si focuses on Ljubljana and its neighbourhood, providing vocal entertainment for cultural and social events. In June 2006 first became actively engaged in the European vocal scene attending the Europa Cantat International Choral Music Festival in Mainz (Germany).

Intenzivne vaje v Karigadorju od 8. do 10. 11. 2024

Lažanski koncert, cerkev sv. Brikcija, Laze pri Gorenjem Jezeru, 22. junij 2024